Juneathon 2015, Day 4 – Stepping

I had high hopes for today.

And then my agoraphobia struck. There was no way that anything would get me outside today: let alone my mother trying to coax me with a trip to Go Outdoors.

Instead, she suggested that instead of lying in bed I should try some step-ups. She lives in a bungalow, so there weren’t any stairs to use. But she was kind enough to let me use the sole step in the house: the one into her bedroom.

Day 4 of Juneathon did not see me do any running, but I managed 100 steps up and down the step. After 70 I was wishing I hadn’t started. And at 90 I was really finding it very difficult. So, the perfect workout 🙂

And tomorrow, perhaps I may get outside for a walk. Hopefully!

(The map is there to show how tall the step is. I wish I’d actually been using it for the reason it was designed and bought for though.)

Stepping day: 100 x step ups, difficulty rating: intermediate
Total step taken today: 1,461

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